危急の報 An Urgent Report
(玄関ホール 昼)
アロイス: 団長、どこです!?Byleth、団長を見なかったか?
Alois: Captain? Captain! Where are you? Hey, Professor. Have you seen your old man?
アロイス: 仕方ない、貴殿だけでも……
Alois: Too bad. I guess it will have to be you, then...
ジェラルト: 戻ったぞ、Byleth。悪い、前の任務が長引いてな。
Jeralt: I'm back. Sorry for the delay, my last mission took longer than expected.
アロイス: おお、団長! 大変です! 礼拝堂の辺りに魔獣の群れが現れたと知らせが……!
Alois: Captain! Thank goodness you're here. There are reports of Demonic Beasts near the chapel!
ジェラルト: そんな馬鹿な話があるか。城郭が破られたって報告は聞いてねえぞ。
Jeralt: Nonsense. I haven't heard anything about the monastery's walls being breached.
アロイス: だから、急ぎ確認に向かおうと!団長も行きますよね!?
Alois: That's why I'm heading there now, to see what's really going on. You'll join as well, won't you?
ジェラルト: 当たり前だ。礼拝堂は、俺とこいつが警戒と調査を命じられてた場所なんだよ。
Jeralt: Of course. We're both sworn to protect this place.
Choice 1: どこから来た? Where did they come from?
Choice 2: 魔獣の群れ? Demonic Beasts?
アロイス: 妙な話だが……その前に複数の生徒が礼拝堂のほうに行くのを見た者がいるのだ。
Alois: It's odd. Just before they appeared, someone saw a number of students heading toward the chapel.
They were apparently acting strange, as though they weren't in their right minds.
Shortly after, Demonic Beasts started to appear, one after the other.
Choice 1: 生徒は食べられた? Are the students safe?
Choice 2: 生徒は殺された? Were the students killed?
ジェラルト: ……魔獣が外から侵入したはずはねえ。もしかすると……
Jeralt: Hm... The students... There's no way those Demonic Beasts got in from the outside...
But none of that matters right now. We need to act. Go summon your students.
ジェラルト: ……ったく、お前に話があったんだが、落ち着く暇もねえな。
Jeralt: Damn it... I wanted to talk to you about something important, but there's no time. There's never any damn time.
But this is much more urgent, so it can hold for now. I'll meet you there.